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I don't read comics often but there are so many absolute gems in japanese comic medium. It seems that comic artists have so much freedom in expressing their ideas and while western comics are all about supernatural, manga often covers a lot of niche subjects like mundane tasks like cooking or historic dramas.


Photography is a fun, accessible and pragmatic art medium. New phones come with brilliant cameras and it's so easy to always be ready for some cool shots - and there are so many!


I find economy's role in our society fascinating. Majority of our lives are influenced by economic designs and decisions and yet it's not that apparent.


Philosophy is one of my favorite subjects to study. In general I find thinking awfully addicting to the point and the questions raised in this subjects just feeds of this weakness of mine!


My favorite drawing/painting medium. Watercolor is so practical and it has this hazy psychedelic feeling as if you're drawing with clouds

Horror Books

I love scary books! Be it fairy tales, lovecraftian stories or mystery detective thrillers - the spooky supernatural is awesome!


Origami is such a practical art expression - all you need is a piece of paper and you can make an object out of it: how cool is that?